Hi there!
We are Arantxa and Laura, two girls from Lleida, Catalonia. This blog is a project of our English class in Lestonnac, enjoy it and don't be shy, ask for advice! We'll keep posting and try to help everyone.

dilluns, 11 de març del 2013

Hello followers,

Today, looking up for interesting information, we have found a very good list of friendship advice that may be useful in your daily rutines, there you go!

1. Don't worry about about knowing people, just make yourself worth knowing.
2. Be friendly with the people you know. If it weren't for them you'd be a total stranger.
3. The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail and not his tongue.
4. Friends are those who talk to you while others don't.
5. The way to have friends is to be willing to lose some arguments.
6. Deal with other's faults as if they were your own.
7. Real friends don't tell you what you want to hear, but the truth.
8. You'll never have a friend if you must have one without faults.
9. You can make more friends by being interested in them than trying to have them be interested in you.
10. A real friend is a person who, when you've made a fool of yourself, lets you forget it.
11. A friend is a person who listen attentively while you say nothing.
12. A friend is someone who thinks you're a good egg even though you're slightly cracked.
... and most important, A FRIEND IS A TREASURE.


1. Take pleny of time for yourself
2. Think before you speak
3. Blame yourself for problems
4. Say nice things
5. Listen to what is actually being said
6. Go for a walk
7. Forgive
8. Be easy on yourself
9. Do something fun everyday with someone else
10. Say thanks
Hi people!

There you go a collage with some pictures that may help you, hope you'll like them, xx

diumenge, 10 de març del 2013


When people are closely relating to other people, issues may happen. These issues in several degrees may be called a "relationship problem".
However, what may be a relationship problem for me might not be a relationship problem for you.
It then becomes a matter of labeling the issue at hand.
But there are some common traits which revel that a relationship is having REAL problems.
- You don't feel good about the other and the relationship
- You don't communicate well enough with the other
- You don't feel enough commitment towards the other
- Mutual respect could be better
- Mutual understanding could be better

divendres, 22 de febrer del 2013


Has it ever happened to you? Sometimes you have a very good friend but when you get to know him/her you feel like you don't want him/her  to be only your bestfriend.And as the days go over, you have the need to know if he/she has the same feelings as yours. So here there are some steps to know if you feel the same, it never fails:
1. If you tell him/her a bad joke and he/she laughs
2. If he/she only stare at you when you are in group
3. If he/she don't want you o be all the time with boys/girls
4. If he/she is a little bit worried
5. If you notice he/she is dressing better

Good luck

divendres, 15 de febrer del 2013

Hi everyone!

This blog is in order to give some advice to people that may need it. Especially in relationships, friendships and society but we accept other kind of requests related to these topics.

Hope you like it guys!

We'll post soon xx